Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion Information
As a school we are mindful of and comply with the LA expectations of schools, which outline the key ways pupils should be supported in class, along with expected equality duties shown in the school’s Single Equality and Disability Equality policies and our access arrangements as shown in the school’s Accessibility Plan.
If you have any queries relating to the type of support we use in school or would like any further information about anything in this report, please contact Mrs Kelly Jones (SENDCo). The school governor with responsibilty for SEND in school is Champa Bhudia, who can be contacted via the school office.
Please click on the link to access details about the SEND Provision at St Margaret's School.
SEND Helpline (Talk Oldham)
Oldham Council Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Local Offer)
Local Authorities must publish support that is available for children and young people with S.E.N. and disabilities and their families.
This information is called the 'Local Offer' and must include education, health and care services and must be clear and easy to understand.
To access the Oldham Council Local Offer please click on the picture link.
Point of contact - Gerri Barry/Jean Reid: local.offer@oldham.gov.uk
What is the Local Offer?
The Oldham Local Offer provides information on what is available in Oldham for children and young people and their families with special educational needs and / or a disability (SEND).
The Local Offer has been produced by children, young people, parents, carers and practitioners working together. Families have been engaged throughout the development of the Local Offer and feedback forms are a fundamental part of it's ongoing development.
The Department for Education has put together a Local Offer guide and video which explains what is meant by Local Offer and what you can expect from your local authority.
SEND Good Practice and Quality Assurance Guide | [pdf 69KB] |
What is the Local Offer - CfDC | [pdf 393KB] |
A guide to making conversations with schools count for all families | [pdf 264KB] |
SEND North West Newsletters
Please click on the link below to view the newsletters.
North West SEND Monthly Newsletter |
Parents of Oldham in Touch (POINT)
Oldham’s Established Parent Forum for Parents and Carers of Children and Young People aged 0-25 with Additional Needs, who live in or access Services in Oldham. We aim to pro-actively represent our families, ensuring that parents and carers have greater choice and control to meet their current needs and have a voice in shaping future services.
To access the POINT website please click on the picture link.
POINT CO-production
Family Information Service
The Family Information Service (FIS) provides free, impartial, up-to-date information to support parents / carers with children and young people aged 0-20 years and prospective parents.
They provide information on a wide range of services such as:
• Childcare
• Local and national services
• Local events and activities
• Financial support
• Health issues
• Schools
• Free Early Education for 2 year olds
• Free Early Education for 3 and 4 year olds
• Employment (Get Oldham Working)
The FIS also provides a childcare brokerage service which offers additional support to help find suitable childcare. The service is available to everyone; however specific consideration is given to:
• Parents experiencing difficulty finding childcare
• Parents stating childcare is a barrier to employment, education or training
• Parents of children with additional educational needs
• Parents with additional needs (including disability, learning difficulties, literacy etc)
• Teenage parents
• Single parents
• Parents needing emergency childcare or childcare at short notice
• Low income families
• Carers of looked after children
To access the Family Information Service website please click on the picture link.
SEND Gateway Resources
Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations. We are committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential.
Hosted by nasen, we deliver the Department for Education SEND Schools’ Workforce Support Contract and a randomised control trial funded by the Education Endowment Foundation.
Oldham SENDIAS Service
Oldham SEND IAS Service exists to help parents and carers of children with additional needs and disabilities; and children and young people themselves, in matters relating to their Education, Health or Social Care provision.
Their support services are tailored to your individual needs and are both personal and confidential. They can offer you:
- Independent information about Special Needs Education.
- One-to-one advice and support.
- Details about how Special Education, Health and Social Care is organised.
- Advice about working with those involved with you, your child or young person.
- Information about local support networks.
- Access to Independent Parental Support for Parents, Carers and Young People 16+
- Support to arrange Mediation and Disagreement Resolution.
- Support with SEND Tribunal claims.
- Opportunities to improve and shape services through our SEND IAS Steering Group.
Their website contains useful information, guidance and practical tools to enable you to understand the processes and arrangements for Special Educational Needs and disability both locally and nationally so that you can make informed choices about the provision required to meet you own, or your child or young persons needs.
To access the IASS website please click on the picture link.
Oldham Parent Carer Forum
We are a member of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums.
Our main aim is to ensure the needs of our children and young people with SEND are met and we bring together parent carers from across Oldham to provide mutual support, exchange information, and influence policy and practice:
- create a culture of participation and co-production across education, health, social care and the voluntary sectors. This means that we can become involved in all aspects of designing, commissioning, delivering and reviewing services as an equal partner;
- empower our members to ensure that their voices are heard at a local, regional and national level; and
- inspire our partners by sharing good practice and knowledge.