We are taught by Mrs C. Turner.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs R. Jarvis.
This is a Key Stage One class of Year 2 pupils.
We are taught by Mrs C. Turner.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs R. Jarvis
This is a Key Stage One class of Year 2 pupils.
Our Day
Our timetable may change occasionally according to needs. We begin our day with whole class guided reading (RIC). The children are given the opportunity to respond to a piece of stimulus and ask/answer questions about it. This maybe in the form of a piece of narrative, poem, information text or video clip.
We undertake phonics/SPAG each day which helps us continue to improve our writing and reading skills. English and Maths takes place daily in the morning. We use a range of texts in our English teaching and follow the National curriculum objectives for our year group. We begin Maths with our “maths meetings”. These help us revisit work already covered. We then continue with our maths lessons working in groups, in pairs or independently.
Topic including, Science, Geography and History is undertaken in the afternoon along with Religious Education, PE, Art and Computing. This year in music Brook Class have been given the opportunity to learn to play the ukulele. This is being provided by the Oldham Music Centre.
Brook Class Curriculum Planning
Please select from the links below.
Brook Class Annual Curriculum Map 2022-23 | |
Brook Class Curriculum Map Summer B |
Brook Class Mission Homework
New homework challenges have been set this half term in relation to our Science, History and RE topics. This should be completed in their journal. Please ensure you child aims to complete 100 points this half term. The journals are also used for collective worship in school, therefore it is very important that children bring their journals into school every day.
Please select the link below.
Brook Class Mission Homework Summer B |
Summer Term Second Half Topic Resources
Please click on the picture links to find a selection of topic resources for our children in Brook Class.
The resources are a great and fun way to support and supplement your child's learning in school, develop their knowledge of the topic and encourage their love of learning.
Healthy Me | |
Plant Life Cycles | |
Habitats | |
Properties of Materials | |
Earth Sun Moon |
Reading Books: Children are provided with a reading book and Reading Record. Please encourage your child to read a little each night and please sign in their reading record. READING BOOKS TO BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL EVERY DAY PLEASE. Your child will read 1:1 with an adult fortnightly. However, children can change their reading book at other times during the week if needed as we encourage ‘Reading for Pleasure.’ Please keep in the plastic bag we have provided. Further/replacement bags 50p each.
Library Books: Your child will have a library session each week and can choose a book to read in their own time, please help them to remember to return their book each week.
Maths is also taught on a daily basis and the emphasis on mathematics teaching throughout the term will be on children using and applying their mathematical knowledge, promoting their ability to solve problems. This is increasing children’s awareness of how acquiring mathematical understanding can help them solve problems that are relevant to their daily lives. There are a number of areas to be covered over the course of the term during class time. However it would be really useful if key skills such as times tables, number bonds, counting on and back in 10’s and 100’s, telling the time both using analogue and digital clocks and working out amount of time passed or needed between 2 activities or events could be revised and reinforced at home.
Year 2 Maths Curriculum | [pdf 258KB] |
Literacy is taught on a daily basis with an emphasis on oral storytelling in order to improve the quality of children’s writing. Oral storytelling develops the children’s self-confidence as storytellers, providing a bank of possibilities to draw upon and encouraged the flow of story language and patterns that they can use when writing. If a child knows a story really well, when they sit down to write, it makes the task of writing easier because the brain does not have to compose at the same time as tackling handwriting, spelling and punctuation.
KS1 Year 2 English Objectives | [pdf 256KB] |
Reading, Spellings and Journals
This term we will be working on becoming independent readers. This will improve the children’s reading and writing. It is essential that you listen to your child read for 5 minutes daily. Please write a comment to let us know how they are doing and look out for key
words for children to practise reading and spelling.
Things to Remember - Summer Term Second Half
Physical Education for Brook class will be on a Thursday. Our focus this term is Dance.
This will be taught by expert sports coaches from Dream Big Sports.
Please ensure your child brings in their bookbag daily so we can read with them. If your child has lost their book bag please purchase a new one from the office.
Homework journals need to be brought to school every Thursday so we can celebrate your child’s home learning in class.
Children are to come into school in their full kit (blue T-shirt, jogging bottoms, their school jumper and trainers).
We are very fortunate in Brook Class to receive ukulele tuition from Mr Housley (Oldham music centre) on Thursday mornings. In previous years the children in Brook class have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions which are a combination of singing and playing the ukulele. All musical instruments are provided by the music service.