Attendance 2022-23
Our drive on attendance is extremely high on our agenda. All children should be in school everyday. Please click the link to view our Attendance Policy.
School hours are from:
8.45am - 3.05pm (children in Fox, Brook, Twist, Heron and Oak Classes)
8.55am - 3.15pm (children in Reception, Chamber, Devon and Durban Classes).
This equates to a 6 hour 20 min day and a 31 hour 40 min week.
Please Note: There are plans in place to increase the school day to 6.5 hours per day (32.5 hours per week) in advance of September 2023 after undertaking a consulation process with relevant parties (parents, after school provider, governors, etc).
The school Nursery has a range of part time places (either morning 8.45am - 11.45am or afternoon 12.30 - 3.30pm) and a number of full time places (8.45am - 3.30pm).
Medical Appointments
Parents and carers are asked to arrange medical appointments outside of school time, except in cases of urgency, so that considerable interference with school work is avoided. Please do not keep children out of school for the whole day unless absolutely necessary.
We appreciate your continued support in ensuring your child attends school regularly and on time.
As well as attendance we will be monitoring lateness. In order for your child to make the best possible start to the school day it is important for them to be in school on time.
Please ensure your child is in school on time. Procedures for lateness are in place. If your child is late you will be asked to sign them in at the main entrance.
If your child is too ill to be in school you must inform school on the first day of their absence. Failure to do so could result in child's absence being unauthorised and this could lead to an unnecessary fine.
Incentives and Rewards
At St Margaret's we recognise that for students to achieve their full potential regular school attendance is vital. We constantly promote, encourage and support all students to achieve 100% attendance and this remains a high priority.
We believe it is important to celebrate good attendance and punctuality and that rewarding pupils with ‘good’ attendance will inspire all pupils to attend school. To encourage our pupils to have the best attendance possible, we have the following reward systems in place.
Weekly Class Attendance Cup - The class with the best attendance each week are awarded with an attendance cup during the weekly celebration assembly. The class who has had the best attendance at the end of the school year will receive a reward trip.
Reward for 100% half termly attendance - Certificates are awarded to these children at the end of each half term.
Reward for full term 100% attendance - Certificates and a small prize will be awarded to these children and they will have their name entered into a prize draw. For the Autumn term the prize will be a £50 Argos Voucher!
Individual reward for persistent absentees with improved attendance - Certificates will be awarded to these children to celebrate their efforts.