School Admissions 2023-24
St. Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Hollinwood is a voluntary aided school. The Governing Body is the admission authority for the school, and the school is required to act in accordance with the School Admissions Code. The admissions process is co- ordinated by Oldham Council (the Local Authority) and the school liaises with the Local Authority and with Manchester Diocese on admissions issues.
The aims of this policy are to ensure fairness in the allocation of Reception Class places and to ensure all potential parents are aware of St Margaret’s oversubscription criteria for admissions if the school is oversubscribed.
Admission Arrangements
The school’s published admission number (PAN) for the admission of children to the Reception Year in September 2021 is 45. If no more than 45 applications are received for admission to the Reception Year, all applicants will be offered places.
In line with the School Admissions Code of December 2014, the school will admit all children having a statement of special educational needs, or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where the school is named on the statement or EHCP.
Admissions Policy 2023 - 2024 | [pdf 221KB] |
Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025 V1.0 | [pdf 214KB] |
Oldham Council Admissions
The Oldham Council website has been updated and now provides parents/ guardians with copies of all application forms (allocation and in-year transfer forms / appeal forms etc) for parents whose children are resident in Oldham, to download.
Please click on the picture link to visit the admissions website.