Complaints Procedure
Investigating and responding to complaints about schools is the responsibility of the governing body of each school.
All Oldham schools have a School Complaints Procedure for addressing the concerns of parents/carers or other members of the community.
Making a Complaint
Discuss your concern with the class teacher or member of staff concerned. Most concerns can be addressed at this stage.
If you are still unhappy, contact the school to arrange an appointment to discuss your concerns with the Headteacher (Mr Whittle) or Deputy Headteacher (Mrs Whittle).
Please click on the link to access our latest Complaints Policy.
Complaints for the Local Authority
Contact the Senior Children's Complaints Officer about the following issues:
- Delivery of the National Curriculum
- The provision of religious education and collective worship (with the exception of church (aided) schools)
- School admissions or exclusions
- Special educational needs assessments
- Child protection issues and allegations of child abuse
The Senior Children's Complaints Officer for complaints handled by the local authority.
Level 12
Civic Centre
West Street
Taking Unresolved Complaints Further
You can make a formal complaint in writing to:
Governor SupportLevel 4
Civic Centre
West Street