Approach to teaching Personal, Social, Health, Relationships and Economic Education PSHRE at St Margaret's
Please click on the link to see up to date information on how we teach PSHRE at St Margaret's.
The following document gives information about what content children will be covering at different times of the year.
Please click on the link below to access our PSHE progression in skills document - How to BECOME a good citizen
The National Curriculum Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education |
PSHE (RSE) consultation now completed - May 2021
During the first half of the summer term 2021, we consulted on our approach to the new statutory relationships education. This consisted of an Initial letter to parents sent out at the beginning of the term as well as a questionnaire where parents could give their views - this closed on the last day of the half term (Friday 28th May). Follow up conversations/ more information to those parents who requested this took place on the first week back after May half term. The following information abut the school's plans to teach RSE was made available to parents as part of the consultation process.
- The school's proposed RSE policy outlines how this subject will be taught as well as the aims for RSE in general. In addition the policy gives details about the delivery of RSE, roles and responsibilities, monitoring arrangements and parents' right to withdrawal.
- The long term planning document outlines the themes the PSHRE content are grouped into and the key learning in each year group.
Should you have any queries please contact either Mrs Rachel Whittle (Deputy Head) or Mrs Claire Turner (PSHE coordinator) in school in the usual way.
RSE Policy March 2023 (2) | [pdf 460KB] |
Relationships Education Relationships and Sex Education RSE and Health Education 2020 | [pdf 577KB] |
LTP for consultation | [docx 28KB] |
Helping your children understand changes at puberty
Children following the SCARF programme will already have a good understanding of thier bodies, and how and why they change as they go through puberty. For this age group it's is often about building on that information and developing further knowledge about the emotional changes that take place. This should take place alongside learning in more detail the reasons for the changes: to be able to reproduce, if they want to, when they’re older.
Parents are recognised as the primary educators of children of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). Yet many feel unprepared. Often this is because they had poor RSE themselves - from home,school, or both.
The following is designed to support you as you help your child navigate the emotional and physical changes that take place during puberty, as well as learning about sex in the context of safe, loving relationships.
Suggested reading list for KS2 (8-11 year-olds) covering reproduction/puberty/relationships
- Girls Only by V Parker
- How your Body Works by Judy Hindley
- Let’s Talk About Sex by R H Harris
- Living with a Willy by N Fisher
- Sex is a Funny Word by C Silverberg and F Smyth
- The Period Book by K Gravelle
- The Puberty Book by W Darvill
- What’s Happening to Me? by P Mayle
National Literacy Trust list of books about love
Useful books for parents
Questions Children Ask and How to Answer Them by Dr M Stoppard
Speakeasy: Talking with your Children about Growing Up by fpa (Family Planning Association)
Useful websites for children Puberty section (Age 9+)
BBC Teach –The Big Talk (age 9-12)
Male puberty - including wet dreams
Useful websites for parents
Sitting in car YouTube Channel: how to talk comfortably with your kids about sex and consent
Other suggested RSE Activities
Draw around bodies
Draw around bodies and label parts, using correct words (and family names) and their purpose
What's in the bag? Puberty
Put together your own ‘puberty bag’ from household items. Discuss each one and why it’s used, e.g. deodorant, razors, tampons/pads, shower gel, washing powder, tissues, hair gel.
What's in the bag? Growing up
Same as above for contents of handbag; items support discussions about growing up
Anonymous questions box
Have an old shoe box, or similar, where children could post questions that they might not be able to ask you verbally.
Praise and thank them for their questions. Try to answer them using the webpages above to help provide age-appropriate, fact-based answers.