Approach to teaching English at St Margaret's
Please click on the link to see up to date information on how we teach English at St Margaret's.
Approach to teaching reading (Intent, Implementation, Impact)
Approach to teaching writing (Intent, Implementation, Impact)
Details about texts and genres can be found below:
English Long Term Plan 2022/23
Medium term planning for each text is shared with the children at the beginning of the unit - key writing outcomes, overall aims and use and application of grammar and sentence structure is highlighted. See example - Year Six Autumn Term Shackleton and Ice Trap Overview
Coverage trackers are used in each class to ensure all aspects of the NC for the year group are covered in a logical order and revisted as necessary.
Please click on the link below to access our English progression in skills documents - How to BECOME a Reader; How to BECOME a Writer; How to BECOME a Speaker
Reading for Pleasure
The benefits of children choosing to read in their own time are countless: reading for pleasure is proven to have a positive impact on both children’s educational achievement and their wellbeing At St Margaret’s we have a dedicated Reading for Pleasure team, which includes both adults and children, who work on a strategy to further engage children in Reading for Pleasure. Recent initiatives have included: work around improving children’s fluency; increased use of the library (weekly class visits and a fortnightly storytime); creation of a virtual library; establishing a half-termly reading newsletter; launch of KS1 story club; parent and child library sessions on a Monday after school; and using technology for older children to record their reading and make recommendations to others. Guided reading texts are chosen from a carefully developed reading spine which ensures children are getting access to a wide variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry at an appropriately challenging level.
Please click on this link for our March 2023 Reading Newsletter
Please click on this link for our January 2023 Reading Newsletter
Please click on this link for our October 2022 Reading Newsletter
English Learning Resources
Please use the links below to access our learning resources for English.
KS1 English Resources | |
KS2 English Resources |
Reading at St Margaret's
Giving children access to all varieties of literature is extremely important for their success. Reading is a key life skill which is crucial to developing language skills and access to the wider curriculum. It provides children with the chance to respond and develop personal opinions encouraging deeper thoughts and their imagination. Our aim is to develop a love and passion for reading both at home and school. We have specially selected high quality reading books for each year group. Some of these books can be found in the classroom and some are available for loan at Oldham library. Encourage your child to read as many of these books as possible throughout the year.
Please select the relevant document below to see the books we recommend.