Home Learning for Nursery
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Please click the link below to access home learning ideas for you and your child. It would be great if you can continue to support your child’s learning journey and the progress they have made so far whilst schools in England are closed due to COVID-19. The projects cover all aspects of learning, and provide opportunities to maximise their learning whilst at home.
We would encourage you to complete about two hours learning per day with your child, but this is very much your parental choice. ‘Learning’ in EYFS does not mean sitting still; as you will see from the projects we encourage you to be active and do fun activities. Don’t worry if this seems overwhelming; just do what you can and above all, keep reading and singing!
This is the most important thing that you can do with your child. We will continue to be available on ClassDojo if you have any further questions about the projects. We would also love to receive photographs of your child’s learning experiences in
the Portfolio section of ClassDojo.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Mrs K Jones and Mrs L Van Houplines
Here are a selection of weekly home learning projects. Simply select a project and explore the topic with your child. Enjoy!