Home Learning for Year Five and Six Children
Whilst we are off school most of your work will come via our online classroom - classroom.google.com. We will provide a daily English, maths and topic 'lesson' - some of these will involve a real time virtual lesson with your teachers and some will be you completing tasks set independently or collaborating with others on apps such as docs.google.com and then handing your work in for the teacher to mark. For the daily live lesson there will be information on the class stream as to when this will take place beforehand.
Please find below a document that gives you an additional project that you could be doing at home. This includes daily reading, writing, maths and spelling tasks and project based work which incorporates a number of the foundation subjects. This could be done in addition to the work in the virtual classroom.
Here are a selection of weekly home learning projects. Simply select a project and explore the topic with your child. Enjoy!