We are taught by Ms S. Bano.
Our teaching assistants are Ms J. Woods and Mrs Z. Parveen.
This is a Key Stage one mixed class of Year 1 and Year 2 children.
We are taught by Mrs A.Yarwood
Our teaching assistant is Mrs J. Woods
This is a Key Stage one mixed class of Year 1 and Year 2 children.
Our Day
Our timetable may change occasionally according to needs. We begin our day with an assembly or class worship. We then have guided reading followed by English and a 15 min break (including milk/water and fruit). We complete our mornings with Maths. Each afternoon always begins with a phonics session followed by a variety of subjects throughout the week: Physical Education (PE), Music, History/Geography, Science, Religious Education, Handwriting, Computing and Art.
Fox Class Curriculum Planning
Please select from the documents below.
Fox Class Annual Curriculum Map | |
Fox Class Curriculum Map Summer B |
Summer Term Second Half Topic Resources
Please click on the picture links to find a selection of topic resources for our children in Fox Class.
The resources are a great and fun way to support and supplement your child's learning in school, develop their knowledge of the topic and encourage their love of learning.
British Science Week | |
Who is Jesus? | |
The Great Fire of London | |
Claude Monet |
Children read with a Teacher or Teacher assistant every fortnight; during this time your child will apply new phonics skills, make predictions, talk about characters and settings and make links to their own experiences. Children are then given the opportunity to choose their next book. Children also read daily in our guided reading sessions where we learn lots of reading strategies, how to decode words, retrieve information and make inferences about what we have read.
Letters and Sounds Parent's Guide | [pdf 314KB] |
In maths children are continually reinforcing their knowledge of reading and writing numbers and place value. Children work hard on number bonds and investigating patterns in addition and subtraction sums. Children use and apply their mathematical knowledge to promote their ability to solve problems.
Year 1 Maths Curriculum | [pdf 147KB] |
Year 2 Maths Curriculum | [pdf 258KB] |
In English we explore books from a range of genres to develop our speaking and listening and reading and writing skills. We enjoy stories, poetry and non-fictions texts and use a range of talk for writing activities to help learn the text; including role play, drama, actions, story maps and games. We also work hard to improve our knowledge and use of different punctuation and grammar.
KS1 Year 1 English Objectives | [pdf 251KB] |
Things to Remember
PE for Fox & Chamber classes will be on Friday this half term.
Children are to come into school in their full kit (blue T-shirt, jogging bottoms, their school jumper and trainers).
No ‘sports wear’ or jewellery is to be worn on P.E days.
PE will be taught by our specialist PE teachers as part of our partnership with Dream Big Sports.
Please ensure your child brings in their book bag (with reading book and reading record) every day so that we can ensure that we can read with each child on a 1:1 basis at least once a fortnight in school. Homework journals only need to be sent in every Wednesday to give children an opportunity to share and celebrate their achievements with the rest of the class. Practical homework can be brought in at any time, e.g. completed models.
‘Baking Money’ will continue to be collected every Monday morning at the gate. This is a voluntary donation we ask for each week (£1 per child) which goes towards funding class rewards, treats and other curriculum enhancements.
Parent’s assembly is held each Friday morning. This is a special assembly which celebrates children’s success and achievements that week. Teachers choose two children who have shown great enthusiasm and achievement in their work or attitude to learning. We also have class assembly on a Friday where classes take it in turns to present throughout the year what they have been learning about.
Your child can also visit the school library each week and can change their library book and bring it home to share. It is essential this book is looked after as a small charge will be asked for if the book is lost or damaged.
Each week we ask for a donation of £1.00 from parents which is used to enrich the children’s learning and provide extracurricular activities.
Thank you for your continued support.