Home Learning for KS1 Children
Whilst we are off school most of your work will be set via Class Dojo. Mrs Turner will be posting daily updates and setting activities for children to get involved with. We kindly ask that you take photos of your child taking part in any activities and post them to the portfolio section of Class Dojo so that all their work is in one place.
In addition to Clas Dojo, we will be using several online platforms that don't require pen and paper. Children will have 2dos set on PurpleMash to complete. These activities will be linked to maths, spelling and topic. Another online resource used is Numbots. This is a Maths resource that uses games to develop children's timetable and number knowledge. Teachers will also set games and activities linked to maths, science and English on Education City. For any queries regarding children's login details please email homelearning@stmargaretsoldham.net emailed parents with logins via Dojo.
Please find below a document that gives you an additional project that you could be doing at home. This includes daily reading, writing, maths and spelling tasks and project based work which incorporates a number of the foundation subjects. This could be done in addition to the online platforms.
Here are a selection of weekly home learning projects. Simply select a project and explore the topic with your child. Enjoy!