Head's Welcome
A warm welcome to St Margaret’s Church of England Junior, Infant and Nursery School.
St Margaret’s is a special place where children are encouraged to develop their unique God-given talents. Our vision of ‘A Place to BECOME’ and associated practices demonstrate our commitment to supporting each child's holistic personal development. Our school is a safe and happy environment in which to learn and develop.
We define the curriculum as the entirity of a child's experience at St Margaret's. The word curriculum comes from the latin currere- to race - and we see the curriculum as a journey to be 'run' by a child during their time with us. A journey during which they are given the opportunity to develop as an individual and gain an understanding of 'Life in all it's fullness' (John 10:10). We aim for our school to be a place where children are nurtured to find their passion and talents, a place where children develop a love of learning, acquiring vital skills and knowledge in order to become thoughtful and informed members of society. All of us here work hard to ensure that the everyday experience is positive and fruitful, and that the Christian Values taught are central to school life- that children see their school as 'A Place to BECOME'.
St Margaret’s is a place where everyone is valued for their individuality and where everyone can develop their potential through quality experiences. As a Church of England Voluntary Aided school, within the Manchester Diocese, our learning is based on the Christian principles of faith, hope and love. We value and respect the faith and beliefs of all those in our school community, we share hope for all that the future may hold and demonstrate love in the way we accept and treat one another.
We feel that an effective education is based on a strong partnership between school and home, with the child being at the center. We strive to build good, honest relationships with parents and carers.
We plan many exciting and enriching activities each term, employing specialist teachers in music, art, drama, sport and creative writing. We offer the children quality first hand experiences on which to build their skills and knowledge, enhancing the broad and balanced curriculum.
We aim to promote self-discipline, good manners and co-operation. We want the children to be aspirational and we aim to teach them strategies in order for them to develop a real love of learning. All the staff at St Margaret’s Primary School are passionate about the children in their care, and education in general. We aim to know every child personally, even if they are not in our class. Teachers and leaders regularly engage in further professional development in order to expand their knowledge and skills. We see ourselves as lifelong learners and strive for our pupils to develop the same philosophy.
We hope you will take every opportunity to engage with us by communicating through the home/school diaries, learning journals, questionnaires, parent/teacher meetings, and informal chats. Our school is very much a community where all voices are listened to and valued.
The school has a very supportive Governing body. They play a key role within school supporting and challenging senior leaders and subject co-ordinators.
We value extra-curricular opportunities within school. A broad range of activities are on offer to the pupils. The school regularly participates in inter-school competitions in many disciplines. Please encourage your children to make the most of these opportunities.
We hope you enjoy our website and find it informative. If you require any further information or have any comments to make, please email: info@stmargarets.oldham.sch.uk- we really value feedback.
We look forward to working with you in partnership to enable your child to flourish and succeed.